Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. Tulane University, 2024

  Department of Art History & Department of Latin American Studies

  Advisor: Elizabeth Boone

Dissertation: Unfolding the Sign: Iconicity and Figuration in Maya Full-Figure Inscriptions

M.A. The University of Texas at Austin, 2019

Department of Art History

Co-Advisor: Julia Guernsey

Co-Advisor: David Stuart

  Thesis: “Emerging Perspectives: A New Cross-Contextual Analysis of the Niche Monument Corpus”

B.A. Brigham Young University, 2016

Department of Latin American Studies

Advisor: Allen Christenson

  Capstone Paper: “From Imposition to Integration: Teotihuacan Influence on Maya Culture, as Evidenced by Stela 7 at Piedras Negras”


Refereed Journal Articles

“Sun Gods and Forest Figures: Duality and Complementarity in Copán Stela D’s Full-Figure Inscription.” Hemisphere: Visual Cultures of the Americas, Vol. 15. 2023.

“Restyling Olmec: Pacific Coast Niche Monuments as Evidence of Local Innovation on Olmec Style in Preclassic (Formative) Mexico and Guatemala.” MEXICON. In press. 


Emerging Perspectives: A New Cross-Contextual Analysis of the Niche Monument Corpus. University of Texas at Austin (2019).

Conference Proceedings

“Los glifos de cuerpo completo de Quiriguá: Un análisis visual y epigráfico.” Manuscript submitted for publication in Memorias del 36 Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala.

Book Reviews

Joanne Baron, Patron Gods and Patron Lords: The Semiotics of Classic Maya Community Cults (2016). Reading Religion, 2018. URL: 

Mark Z. Christensen, The Teabo Manuscript: Maya Christian Copybooks, Chilam Balams, and Native Text Production in Yucatán (2016). Reading Religion, 2018. URL:


2023  Young Scholar Award

28th European Maya Conference, Bonn, Germany

2023  School of Liberal Arts Ph.D. Fellowship

Department of Art History and Latin American Studies, Tulane University, 2019-present

2023  American Dissertation Fellowship, Alternate

American Association for University Women

2023  Junior Visiting Scholar in Residence

Casa Herrera, University of Texas at Austin

2022  Ittleson 12-Month Research Fellowship

Center for the Advanced Study of Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art

2022  William Griffiths Award for Best Graduate Instructor

Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University

2022  Graduate Student Summer Research Award

School of Liberal Arts Dean’s Office, Tulane University

2021  Stone Center and Tinker Foundation Dissertation Feasibility Grant

Tinker Foundation and Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University

2021  Stone Center Summer Grant for Language Study (Ch’orti’)

Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University

2020  Emergency “Stay-at-home” Summer Funding, COVID-19

Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University

2020  Best Campus-Wide Graduate Paper on a Latin American Topic for paper “A Return to Roots: The Maya—Teotihuacan Inscription at Copan’s Temple 26”

Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University

2018  E.D. Farmer International Fellowship

Department of Latin American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin

2017  David Bruton, Jr. Endowment for Graduate Fellowship in the College of Fine Arts

College of Fine Arts, The University of Texas at Austin

2017  M.K. Hage Endowed Scholarship in Fine Arts

College of Fine Arts, The University of Texas at Austin

2016  Office of Research and Creative Activities Research Grant

Brigham Young University


2023  “Nuevas perspectivas sobre las inscripciones mayas de cuerpo completo”

Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

2022  “Glyphs on Vessels: The Primary Standard Sequence and Wahy Figures”

Ursinus College

2022  “Desplegando el signo: La iconicidad y la figuración en las inscripciones mayas de cuerpo completo”

Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

2016  “From Imposition to Integration: Teotihuacan Influence on Maya Culture, as Evidenced by Stela 7 at Piedras Negras”

Brigham Young University


Sessions and Symposia Organized

2021  “Teotihuacan: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Mesoamerica’s Great Metropolis” 

Society for American Archaeology, April 2021

Conference Papers

2023  “Within Arm’s Reach: Scribal Workshops and the Geographic Extent of Eighth-Century Maya Full-Figure Inscriptions.” 

28th European Maya Conference. December 2023.

2023  “Los glifos de cuerpo completo de Quiriguá: un análisis visual y epigráfico.”

36 Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala July 2023.

2023  “Figuration and Hierarchy in 8th Century Maya Full-Figure Glyphs.” 

Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies. March 2023. 

2022  “Figures in the Archives: Preliminary Field Research on Full-Figure Inscriptions 

in Mexico City.” TUSCLAS Symposium. October 2022. 

2021  “A Return to Roots: The Maya – Teotihuacan Inscription at Copan’s Temple 26.” 

Society for American Archaeology. April 2021. 

2019  “Preliminary Results on the Maya – Teotihuacan Inscription at Copan’s Temple 26.” 

TUSCLAS Symposium. November 2019.

2019  "Emerging Perspectives: A New Cross-Contextual Analysis of the Niche Monument Corpus.” 

Society for American Archaeology. April 2019. 

2018  “Emerging Perspectives: Preliminary Findings of a New Cross-Contextual Analysis of the Niche Monument Corpus.”

South-Central Conference on Mesoamerica. October 2018. 

2016.  “From Imposition to Integration: Teotihuacan Influence on Maya Culture, as Evidenced by Stela 7 at Piedras Negras.” 

ORCA Symposium at Brigham Young University. May 2016.


Art History

Art Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages (Fall 2023, two sections). Instructor of Record, Tulane University

Art Survey II: Renaissance to Present (Spring 2021). Teaching Assistant, Tulane University

Rococo to Romanticism (Fall 2020). Teaching Assistant, Tulane University

Mesoamerican Art and Culture (Spring 2019). Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin

Myth and Image in Greek and Roman Mediterranean Art (Fall 2018). Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin

Introduction to Visual Arts (Fall 2018). Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin

Latin American Studies

Introduction to Latin American Studies (Fall 2021). Instructor of Record, Tulane University

Approaches to Latin American Studies: Indigenous Identity and Resistance (Spring 2022). Instructor of Record, Tulane University


2019 Collections Management, Arizona State University Teotihuacan Laboratory

Analyzed, categorized, and sorted artifacts from test excavations at the site of Teotihuacan, Mexico. Formulated a detailed system that will assist in the creation of a catalog to be used by the laboratory to facilitate future research.

2019 Archaeological Illustration, ASU Teotihuacan Laboratory

Illustrated stone monuments in the archaeological collection of Arizona State University at the site of Teotihuacan, Mexico.

2018 Digital Archiving & Curatorship, Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico City

Assisted in the collation and analysis of artifacts stored in the bodega of the Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City, Mexico, under the supervision of Dra. Rebeca González-Lauck. 

2016 Researcher, Museum of Peoples and Cultures, Brigham Young University

Analyzed Maya monument casts to provide a thorough but simplified interpretation for museum patrons. Completed projects include a description of Izapa Stela V and a description and epigraphic interpretation of Palenque’s Tablet of the Cross.

2016 Undergraduate Researcher, Department of Interdisciplinary Humanities, BYU

Carried out research analyzing the cultural influence that Teotihuacan had over the Maya heartland as evidenced by the Trapeze and Ray motif found throughout Maya and Teotihuacan art and calendrics, under the guidance of Dr. Allen Christenson.


2023 President, Art History Graduate Association, Tulane University (2023-present)

Represented the art history graduate students at Tulane University at department faculty meetings and at meetings of the Graduate Studies Student Association on campus. Advocated for graduate students regarding funding, invited speakers, and networking. Organized a biweekly works-in-progress meeting for graduate students to share their work and receive feedback. 

2020 President, Latin American Graduate Organization, Tulane University (2020-2021)

Organized academic development activities and social events for students whose research is focused on Latin American topics. Executed biweekly work-in-progress presentations for students, writing groups, and guest lectures to promote networking and career development.

2019 Curriculum Developer, Tulane University (2019-2020)

Created and edited curricula designed by the Latin American Resource Center to help teachers of K-12 programs educate their classes on Latin American history, culture, etc. Assisted in the presentation of this curriculum during four teacher workshops on the Tunica-Biloxi tribe of Louisiana, the Maya and the Aztec. 

2019 Graduate Volunteer for the Mesoamerica Meetings, University of Texas at Austin

Prepare for and execute a week-long conference as part of a committee of graduate students in charge of the Mesoamerica Meetings. Responsibilities included creating

flyers and attendance packets, registering and interacting with guests and ensuring their needs were met, and providing audio/visual support and technical assistance

with presentations.

2018 Graduate Coordinator for the Mesoamerica Center Colloquium Series, University ofTexas at Austin (2018-2019)

Selected, scheduled, and provided publicity for guest speakers for the yearly Colloquium series, which held three talks per semester and engaged the greater Austin community.

2018 Graduate Volunteer for the Mesoamerica Meetings, University of Texas at Austin

Prepare for and execute a week-long conference as part of a committee of graduate students in charge of the Mesoamerica Meetings. Responsibilities included creating

flyers and attendance packets, registering and interacting with guests and ensuring their needs were met, and providing audio/visual support and technical assistance

with presentations.

2017 Graduate Coordinator for the Mesoamerica Center Library University of Texas at Austin (2017-2019)

Create an online and mobile index of the over 1,000 books in the Mesoamerica Center library. Develop an innovative method of organization for easy location of

books. Provide general input on the Center and provide suggestions for new acquisitions.


Virtual Reading Group: “Painted Stories: Reading Maya Mythology in Codex-Style Ceramics”

Save Ancient Studies Alliance | June 2023 

Led a 5-week online reading group of 20 people focused on reading Maya mythology as documented on codex-style ceramics. Led discussions of assigned readings and facilitated visual and textual analysis by participants.

Lecture Program and Workshop: “De deidades y animales: Las criaturas del arte y la escritura ma-ya”

Casa Herrera, Antigua, Guatemala | April 29, 2023 

Presented a lecture program and workshop in Spanish for local participants through Casa Herrera. Participants learned via lecture about common gods and animals in Maya art and writing and then practiced writing a glyphic phrase of their own in Maya glyphs.

Lecture Program and Workshop: “Of Gods and Animals: Creatures of Maya Art and Glyphs”

Hotel Maya, Long Beach, California | April 23, 2023

Invited to present a lecture program and workshop for local participants as part of the community initiative “Mayapalooza,” the purpose of which is to educate the public on Ma-ya culture. Participants learned via lecture about common gods and animals in Maya art and writing and then practiced writing a glyphic phrase of their own in Maya glyphs.

Virtual Masterclass Workshop: “Hieroglyphic Stelae: A Study in Image and Text”

Save Ancient Studies Alliance | January 2023 

Organized and co-led an online workshop in which 24 participants learned the basic princi-ples of both Egyptian and Maya hieroglyphic writing on stelae and then created their own paper stelae inscriptions in both Egyptian and Maya style.

Virtual Reading Group: “Communicating Power in the Ancient Maya World”

Save Ancient Studies Alliance | June-July 2022 

Led an 8-week online reading group of 20 people focused on Maya representations of power through art, architecture, and hieroglyphic writing. Led discussions of assigned readings and facilitated visual and textual analysis by participants.

Virtual Reading Group: “A Brief Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing”

Save Ancient Studies Alliance | January 2022 

Led a 3-week online reading group of 20 people focused on the decipherment of Maya hi-eroglyphic writing. Assigned readings and exercises to participants and led discussions of those readings. Taught participants to read Maya mural captions and ceramics.

Virtual Masterclass Workshop: “Understanding Maya Hieroglyphs”

Save Ancient Studies Alliance | August 2021 

Organized and co-led an online workshop in which 12 participants learned the basic princi-ples of Maya hieroglyphic writing and then carved Maya glyphs corresponding to their birthday into bars of soap.

Virtual Summer Reading Group: “Maya Myths in Art and Writing”

Save Ancient Studies Alliance | July-August 2021

Led an online reading group of 20 people focused on studying academic publications on the representation of myth in ancient Maya art and writing, compared with colonial and con-temporary myth in the Popol Vuh and modern communities.

Charla informal: “El signo y la palabra: La influencia teotihuacana sobre la escritura maya”

Semana mesoamericanista | Youtube: Chicomoztoc_7_Cuevas, December 2020

Presented my recent research to an online community of the public interested in Mesoamer-ica as part of a weeklong online conference in Spanish.

Virtual Classroom Workshop: Writing and Reading Maya Glyphs

Daniel’s Canyon Elementary School | Heber, Utah, October 2020

Taught basic concepts of Maya hieroglyphic writing in a bilingual (ENG-SPA) fourth-grade classroom environment. Guided students in writing a phrase in Maya glyphs.

UT Explore: Make Your Own Maya Monument

University of Texas at Austin | Austin, Texas, March 2019

Guided secondary-level students in creating a miniature paper model of a Maya stela, using rubber stamps on cardstock to recreate common phrases found on Maya monuments. 

Classroom Workshop: Mesoamerican Calendar, Art, and Architecture

Local Elementary School | Austin, Texas, October 2020

Helped 8- through 11-year-old students calculate their birthday and write it in Aztec calen-dric dates. 

Museum Educator | Museum of Peoples and Cultures, 2016

Guided and educated museum patrons of all ages, from children to adults. Aided

in the direction of children’s activities to encourage interest in and respect for

archaeology and different cultures.


Mesoamerican Studies Online (Blog), 2019 - present

Weekly posts inform casual readers about academic research on Mesoamerica’s art, his-tory, and culture. Most information is introductory and leads learners towards academic sources of information to counteract incorrect and/or pseudo-scientific claims regarding cultures of the past.

Mesoamerican Studies On-Air (Podcast), 2019 - present

Bilingual podcast in which I provide introductory information on the cultures of ancient and modern Mesoamerica for the casual learner in both English and Spanish. I also invite other scholars to share their research and expertise on certain topics. This allows aca-demics worldwide to more easily engage with the public and gain experience sharing their work with others.

Online Course: Maya Hieroglyphic Writing - Intermediate Level, 2021 - present

Through Mesoamerican Studies Online. Instructed online learners of all ages in the inter-mediate principles of Maya hieroglyphic writing. Taught students how to read Maya mon-umental inscriptions and provided the relevant context of these monuments within the Ma-ya world. Classes provided in both English and Spanish.

Online Course: Maya Hieroglyphic Writing - Foundational Level, 2021 - present

Through Mesoamerican Studies Online. Instructed online learners of all ages in the basic principles of Maya hieroglyphic writing. Guided students through the reading of Maya ce-ramics and monumental writing and provided a history of decipherment of Maya hiero-glyphic writing. Classes provided in both English and Spanish.

Private Tutoring, Maya Hieroglyphic Writing, 2020 - present

Provided private tutoring to online learners of Maya hieroglyphic writing. Sessions tai-lored to each student’s individual needs and learning level.


Spanish (Fluent; Reading, writing, speaking)

Classic Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (Advanced; Academic Specialty)

Ch’orti’ (Intermediate; Reading, writing, speaking, listening)

Dulegaya/Kuna (Proficient; speaking, reading)


College Art Association

Society for American Archaeology

Latin American Studies Association